Can`t do anithing…In last time UE4 start to laging,or some sort of it.When I whant to do anything in “Content”(click RMB) it “think” about 1 minute.Same in Bluprints(or even not show me all actions like on photo).
What are your system specs?
This seems to be not a UE problem, check your process in “task manager” and check what process is consuming too mucho CPU, try to run a project from scratch and check if happens the same.
Not in it a problem. I have enough memory. He just doesn’t show me action bar
Are you running unreal on a second monitor by chance?
No.How it influences it?
I’ve occasionally had issues with unreal slowing down on a second display if I’ve switched it on after unreal was started.
Have no idea what is source of a problem,BUT…if i launch Unreal onli on 1 Core(have 6 in CPU) it work,permanently,after2 minutes of lagging
Thanks for advice