I have a particles asset pack that i want to import into a ue 5.0.3 project from the marketplace (havent made the purchase yet) and on there it says it only only supports versions 4.6 and 4.27 of ue. What will happen if i try to import them into 5.0.3, is it not going to work at all? is it gonna give me an error msg or smth? Does anybody know?
Do you mean 4.6 - 4.27 or only 4.6 and 4.27?
I’m not going to guarantee anything, but you’ll probably be fine.
Oh yeah it has the dash in between. What does this mean exactly for me?
If you already have the pack, just import it. The worst that can happen is it won’t work. I fully suspect it will, though.
No I dont have it and thats why im asking, so i know whether to buy it or not. What do you exactly mean by not work tho? give like an error message that flat out says it wont work? or something more complex?
I misunderstood.
The very worst thing, is just none of it works. Likelyhood zero.
What might happen is most of it works, but some of it needs a bit of tweaking.
There’s quite a good chance that it’s all fine. But if it’s an expensive pack, it might be worth contacting the supplier.
I see. Ok, thank you very much for your time, ill examine it and see what i’ll do