The Problem:
I’ve set up a Widget Caching system which basically checks if a Widget has “loaded” in successfully. Now I wanted to display an error message, in case it somehow failed but obviously I can’t just set up a custom Modal Widget if loading the Widgets failed in the first place.
Expected Solution:
Usually game engines offer a way to open a native system message dialog for cases like these and I came across this doc but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore in UE 5.4.2? (Another way would be to force a crash but UE seems to be the only game engine on the market that doesn’t offer this feature either.)
Any elegant Blueprint based solutions would be much appreciated!
What is stopping you from spawning a widget and adding it to the screen?
If the engine is running in a good enough state to print to screen then it probably has the slate module to show UMG.
Or you could code something up in slate to make it lighter than UMG
I’m not familiar with the Engine internals. Would the game crash if the Slate Module somehow failed to run in a shipping build?
If that’s the case then I honestly wouldn’t do any manual error checks at all. It’s my only concern that the player would “get stuck” without an UI while the game is still running.