What happened to the links in the marketplace


Everytime I try to click a link from within a marketplace asset that I purchased, I keep getting this message from EPIC that its an untrusted site and I am not able to get to any external links.

This means I cant access any tutorials and/or documentation from within the EPIC app.

Just atarted happening today.


Having the same issue and you can’t even right click to copy the link and try and paste it manually or anything.

edit: only workaround I’ve found is to not use the app but use marketplace online and then when you click links should just take you to a “you are leaving epic are you sure” type page and you can click continue.


I have the same problem. It must be recent. I have never had any issues. It usually says you are leaving epic and I say okay. Now it doesn’t even allow that. It says to fill out a support ticket if you think this is an error. I guess the last epic browser patch broke it…

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Same problem. This is no good! :frowning_face:

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This seems to have quit working, it was my workaround before as well.