What gameplay class is replicated on server but unique to clients?

I thought initially it was PlayerState, but that’s replicated to all clients, and I want to store “sensitive” information like health and spawn info that others dont need to know. I then thought PlayerController, but theres no way to call that on the server because its unique to each client. Is there a class that’s both available to the server and unique to each client, so I can safely manipulate data on it knowing that only that player will receive it?

You can have replication conditions like.


You can have this in the PlayerState class so other clients wont have access to its values.

PlayerState, but set the replication to owner only.

void AMyPlayerState::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray< FLifetimeProperty > & OutLifetimeProps) const

    DOREPLIFETIME(AMyPlayerState, bSomethingEveryoneShouldGet);

    DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION(AMyPlayerState, bSomethingTheOwnerShouldNoGet, COND_SkipOwner);

    DOREPLIFETIME_CONDITION(AMyPlayerState, bSomethingOnlyTheOwnerShouldGet, COND_OwnerOnly); <= this one.

Brilliant, thanks for the responses.