what dose Control Rig's function Sphere Trace By Trace Channel do?

While learning how to use IK_Foot_Bone to achieve foot alignment with the ground, I encountered an issue. Normally, the steps should involve detecting the ground from the foot, but when using Sphere Trace By Trace Channel for direct detection, the result obtained was the height of my foot component (or possibly the root component) from the ground instead. I was confused because I thought Sphere Trace By Trace Channel was a conventional channel collision detection.

I then tried getting the Location of IK_Hand_Bone, raising it by 50 as the starting point of Sphere Trace By Trace Channel, and subtracting 200 from the end point of Sphere Trace By Trace Channel. However, the Hit Location obtained was the same as that of IK_Foot_Bone’s Hit Location. I’m not sure why this happened.

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