What does this mean: PackagingResults:Warning: Warning Warning Unable to find package for cooking /Game/Maps/Main?
It’s one of the main things in my output log I’ve noticed is off. I can’t package and if I deploy straight to the device, it shows the splash screen and then crashes. I’m packaging in android and deploying to an HTC One M8.
I think it means, “Something is wrong with your programming and is keeping you from packaging.” Lol. From what I’ve read and from my own experience, when that error shows up, the required actions are always different and are to fix other problems.
As my statement above shows, I know little about Unreal and I’m not an advanced programmer! My crashing though, was related to my save blueprint. I deleted variables in it that were not being used in my app. But, I also had a blueprint I wasn’t using in my app that I was still copying code from that had references to those deleted variables. I kept the unused blueprint there for reference and it wasn’t causing problems previously. But literally, one minute it was fine, the next everything crashing without doing anything new with that unused blueprint.
Here’s the fun part. I tried just deleting that blueprint, but it was still crashing. Perhaps right away, your thinking, “that’s a newb move.” I reloaded the app with the unused blueprint not deleted, opened it, and deleted all references to the deleted variables in my save blueprint. Then I compiled the unused blueprint. I was able to package successfully this time. I want to run some tests tonight and I’ll post my final findings regarding my crash/package error.