What does this crash error mean?

Hey @openroomxyz! Welcome back!

Is that the entire log? If so, try running a validation check. What this typically means is somewhere there’s code trying to get a reference that doesn’t exist, like a null reference exception. If this is the entire log it must be editor code. Can you start other projects?


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I opened it again, have not writen any code, and got similar crash.

I am doing the verification now. Yes I think is everything that was displayed in the crash window, maybe there is a file writen somewhere, with more details, idk.

Yea other project works, but I get crashes often as well, multiple times a day, but this one was a fresh new project from game, blank template. I have only added some cubes into scene.

@openroomxyz It’s getting an error trying to write something, saying it doesn’t have the permission or capability. JUST to be sure it’s not something so simple, have you tried running as admin?

Because 0x0000000000000000 is different from 0xffffffffffffffff. Same principle though. All 0s means null reference.

I would definitely try verifying your installation.

I will try it after vertification .

I have done verification, the GPU drivers are fresh 2 days old, no new release.
RTX 3080 Ti, I started the project as admin.

I opened the project placed some cubes, delete some things in scene, no code.
and it crashed again.

Untitled (6)

Untitled (7)

[2022.11.18-18.02.45:755][222]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.45:901][234]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.45:901][234]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Delete Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:038][236]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:038][236]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:183][248]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:183][248]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Delete Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:368][251]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:368][251]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:484][256]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:484][256]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Delete Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:691][258]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:691][258]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:763][259]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.46:763][259]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Delete Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.50:501][459]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.50:501][459]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.50:689][461]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.50:690][461]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.50:841][463]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.50:841][463]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Delete Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.51:143][465]Cmd: TRANSACTION UNDO
[2022.11.18-18.02.51:143][465]LogEditorTransaction: Undo Clicking on Elements
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:754][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: CurrentQueue.Device->GetDevice()->GetDeviceRemovedReason() failed 
 at D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Submission.cpp:910 
 with error 887A0006

[2022.11.18-18.02.57:754][829]LogRHI: Error: [Aftermath] Status: Timeout
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:754][829]LogRHI: Error: [Aftermath] Failed to get Aftermath stack data
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:754][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb] Last tracked GPU operations:
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:754][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb]	3D Queue 0 - Begin: Frame 22825 - Scene - LumenSceneLighting - DirectLighting - Offscreen shadows - CullDistanceFieldObjectsForLight MeshSDF - ClearBuffer(ShadowTileNumCulledObjects Size=147456bytes)
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:758][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb]	Copy Queue 0 - No Data
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:770][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: [GPUBreadCrumb]	Compute Queue 0 - No Data
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:781][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: DRED: No breadcrumb head found.
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:781][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: DRED: No PageFault data.
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:781][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: Memory Info from frame ID 24797:
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:781][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: 	Budget:	11332.00 MB
[2022.11.18-18.02.57:781][829]LogD3D12RHI: Error: 	Used:	4009.38 MB

I found this video talking about your specific error code.

Give it a watch and let me know what you think

Disclaimer: This link is not associated with Unreal Engine, Epic Games, or their partners

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