What does mesh streaming option in editor do?

In Project Settings, under Rendering - Experimental there is an option to enable “Mesh Streaming”. The detail for this just states that a mesh will stream in only when it is visible. I was wondering if anyone had any more information about this feature and what exactly it does. I cannot find any answers with google.


UP UP UP! I’ve been searching for the same answer. Thanks for asking.

me too !!!

me too !!!

Also curious

Yes, me too!

Yepper , me too!

Similar to Nanite?

UE4 has a “Streaming Pool”. It is a space on GPU memory which used for streaming-in and streaming-out textures on demand. It depends how much you close to the object. It uses for control how mush video memory (for textures) will be used for your game

In current behavior Streaming Pool used only for textures. Static meshes are always loaded in memory (all lods). But you can turn on “Mesh Streaming” and set how many lods will be streamed (loaded from HDD on demand) in Static Mesh Settings



It depends. An additional streaming can load a cpu and a hdd/ssd, but can save a video memory.

.-1 means all LODs are always in memory. 0 means same.

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So essentially this is good for performance and memory?
and setting it to -1 means all LODs?

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Could I specify which levels would be streamed?

i have the same problem.

Anyone know about this more? Sounds very interesting :male_detective:

Ok this is cool but unfortunately, this property is not yet on the bulk edit menu, so you need to go mesh by mesh setting how many lods you want to load on memory…