Hello. Can you explain me values in audit statistics? I know about fps and draw calls, but what’s about others?
Here’s the screenshot:
68.2 FPS refers to frames per second
14.7ms is how long it took to render said frame- this is just a different form of displaying FPS
4236.19mb refers to ram usage. Common ram sizes are powers of 2 higher than 4.
170,485 objs refers to the number of UObjects in these scene (the parent class of AActor among many others). You can mostly ignore this- it’s normal to have a ton of UObjects. Though if this suddenly becomes 300k, you definitely have a problem somewhere.
4 stalls means you’ve frozen 4 times. While I’m not sure about the exact technical requirement for a stall, you generally want to avoid these. You have a problem if these happen outside of loading screens.
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