What does "Ignore Custom Physics" checkbox on "Set All Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight" function do?

What does “Ignore Custom Physics” checkbox on “Set All Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight” function do?

I’m building a physics based hit and dismemberment system.

I used the Break Constraint function to break the constraints of the bones I want which works splendidly.

I also use “Set Bodies Below Simulate Physics” and “Set Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight” functions to create my physics-based hit reaction system, but the problem is, when I have broken constraint of a child bone and then hit the parent bone, the “Set Bodies Below Physics Blend Weight” function causes the bone with the broken constraint to also snap back in place.

I was wondering what the Ignore Custom Physics checkbox does and maybe I could use it to prevent this? Or if there is a way to permanently break the constraint?

“Solved” this by using a modified versions of the above functions that I modified to ignore the bones I don’t want to influence, through C++

Unfortunately, it doesn’t fix the issue entirely because even when I am not influencing the child bone through C++, when influencing the parent bone, the child bone still gets “nudged”. It was enough to irritate me so I went on a coding spree trying to find different ways to do this.

I ended up using a mix of this Physics Blend method and PhAT Angular Motors

Adjusting the Spring value of the motors at just the right time allowed me to make a bit jigglier version of the same system. It’s not as clean as the Physics Blend system but using a mix of both, I was able to get something workable.

I use the Physics Blend system when there aren’t any dismembered bones in the hit parent bone and use the PhAT Angular Motors system when there are. I even made sure that the systems switch over in case a bone is dismembered mid-simulation.

It’s still not as perfect as I’d want it to be but it’s good enough for me for now primarily because I got tired after working 18 hours on this.

btw, to answer the original question:

It skips whatever the function is supposed to do, on Physics Bodies that have Physics Type set to “Simulated” or “Kinematic”. Anything besides “Default” Physics Type is ignored.

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