What does GetWorldTranform node is for ?

I’m new to unreal, trying to understand nodes while following tutorial on youtube…
Cube(pawn)—> GetWorldTransform —>O- Spawn Transform [SpawnActor From class]
I’m not getting what is the use of GetWorldTransform here…

Actors and components that can be physically present in the world have a transform:


It consists of 3 vectors:

  • Location
  • Rotation
  • Scale

Image from Gyazo

When you provide a transform for spawning, you can decide where to spawn that actor, which direction it will be facing and how large it is going to be.

Get World Transform would allow you to read the above from one entity and apply it to another.

Imagine you have a monster spawner; if you place it high above ground, rotate it to the east and scale it up, you can read its transform and apply it to the monsters it spawns. It’s going to spawn large birds above the ground, heading east.

When firing projectiles from a gun, you can read the location and rotation of the gun (or its transform to get location, rotation, scale all ot once) and create projectiles so they spawn where the gun is and fly out in the correct direction.

More stuff about transform: