What does -game and -rocket flag means in UnrealBuildTool and where can I find the help document?

I am trying to use UnrealBuildTool.exe to build visual studio solution file, this code works but I cannot find any document talking about what does these flags mean and what’s the other options.

And nothing happen for either “UnrealBuildTool.exe -help” or “UnrealBuildTool.exe -h”


UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“C:/projectname/projectname.uproject” -game -rocket -progress

Hello boboEmily,

Unfortunately we don’t have a document of any sort that lists all of the commands available for UBT. I can only speculate as I don’t know exactly but it seems as though -game would be for building a game project. Building without -game gives you an invalid .sln without a module so VS can’t load it. -rocket should be related to it being a rocket build, meaning Binary (from the epic games launcher). -progress seems to add additional progress information, such as what it’s doing and how far it’s gotten.