What does checking "Should block on load" do?


I’ve been trying out streaming levels. When using a “load stream level” node there are two booleans you can check and uncheck, the first one being “make visible after load” which is self-explanatory but the second one not so much: “should block on load”.

What does checking this do?


Hello Cryptical,

In terms of what Should block on load does, it will hitch the main thread until the load is complete when it processes the levels streaming next rather than doing it asynchronously.


Sean Flint


Thank you. That clears things up.

As of 4.12, “Should Block On Load” doesn’t appear to be working.

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If the option is not working, please create a post in the Bug Reports section so that we can investigate. Provide as much information as possible, including repro steps, screenshots, and a test project (if applicable). Thank you!

can confirm it doesn’t work. Not sure how to take screenshots of the hitching that occurs.

English, Sean, English.

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Has anyone gotten this to work? Once the level is unloaded, there is no collision… assuming I understand it correctly. But given Sean’s answer, I really have no idea either way.

“Should block on load” determines whether or not it blocks code execution when that blueprint function is called. If the box is checked the game will freeze while the level is loaded in, and then it will suddenly appear and unfreeze. If it isn’t checked, objects will rapidly appear around you as the level is loaded in, likely causing lag but not fully freezing the game. It is unrelated to collision, if a level is unloaded all parts of all actors including attached collider components are removed.




Block on Load does not mean to use collision to “block”. It is referring to utilizing the game thread so that the level can load synchronously, which will make the game freeze (in most cases), basically “blocking” all blueprints from utilizing the CPU until the level is loaded. This will allow the level to load much faster than if it was loading asynchronously in a background thread.