What does an error like this mean?

Can somebody explain to me what this error means and how I can fix this? When loading in a level this error keeps popping up:

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property ActivePath”. Node: Return Node Graph: GetPath Function: Get Path Blueprint: AI_Car

As well as a similar one:

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Node: Return Node Graph: GetPath Function: Get Path Blueprint: AI_Car

I am trying to have an AI Car follow a Spline path. I have setup the spline path in scene and when I am adding Default >> Active Path, I do not see the path option instead I get the Landscape_Vehicle (Editor)

Hey there
Accessed None means the object you’re trying to access is NULL, so you need to make sure they are valid before trying to use those variables.

To pick am actor in the scene (Your spline) as reference for an actor instance (your AI_Car) both have to be in the same sub-level.
But your variable type is probably not correct for Active Path. Make sure your spline and Active Path are the same type.

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Thank you so much. I corrected it and now it works fine.

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