What do you think about winning on match point?

Working on a gamemode with a shrinking storm, 2 minute rounds, 4 players, no respawn and no teams.

Im having trouble choosing the number of rounds, and if win on match point should be enabled/disabled.

What do you think?

When Win On Match Point is enabled, I see these positives

  • If player skill is uneven, match will end before it turns sour
  • Even matches will last longer, motivating leader to play nice

But also this negative

  • Confusing (and sometimes anti-climactic) that game ends before the rounds are up

My challenge is that the game still feels incomplete, regardless of settings.
This is because every round is supposed to be on a different island.
If the number of rounds would be the number of islands,
Win-On-Match-Point would be turned OFF.

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Nvm, I will check the og gunfright copy those settings.