December 3, 2020, 11:59am
just a question about timelines per se.
I think I heard/read once that they should be avoided.
I have seen projects where animations curves are used (instead of timelines I guess)?
Would you try to avoid them as much as possible?
I mean are they as evil as using tick?
just want to get some opinions here…
December 3, 2020, 12:22pm
Tick is not evil. Timelines are not evil.
It’s all about what you do during the update.
are you updating something more often than you should? Don’t.
do you need to update something every frame? Use Tick or a Timeline.
would you like to arrive at a value over a curve / linearly and you do not know how much time it’s going to take? Use Tick.
would you like something to update every frame for the next X seconds? Use a Timeline.
would you like to fire events at specific times during X seconds? Use a Timeline.
do you need to fire something repeatedly at the same time interval or after X time has passed? Use a Timer.
Why do stuff 60 times per second when there’s no need. Choose the right tool for the job.
Also, each blueprint can run its tick as slow as you want: