So I barely know anything about C++ and I want to learn it but before I do I think I should learn more maths so I look around on the internet to see all this stuff about how many and which ones I should learn but some of those seem to apply to engine building and ue4 is an engine. So what maths should I learn to program in c++ and make games in ue4. Maybe I should learn these maths if I can edit the engine I don’t really know too much at all which is why I’m starting here any help would be great!
Here is a great video series that covers a lot of math games use.
One of the most important subjects is Trigonometry. I highly recommend practicing that however you can. Find a deep appreciation/understanding if it. Beyond that, linear algebra will be very helpful dealing with 3D.
Having a familiarity with C++ will help. While you practice math, practice C++ by building out your own math library. You can learn more about the details of C++ here.