What could cause file access error?

I get this error “a file access issue occurred. Please check other users are not running the application” whenever i try to run the client. I attached my system specs and and error.


Anything from lack of premissions to disk damage or file is locked as other application is using it as error message mentions. Restart of computer can help here, check forder premissions, try reinstalling laucher using your user account.

Sounds like you placed UE4 engine in single user placement or you have a ghost user running,
if you dont use more then one account in windows 10…

check task manager for users on
also look for the UE4 based exes in task manager before you restart ue4…
also try to start from a project file and not the launcher and tell me what happens…

Hope we can help if you figure the fix drop a line here
thanks m8

Hi westcut,

Are you logged into your computer as an administrator?

I would suggest uninstall the launcher then attempting to reinstall it using the guidelines here.

If nothing works, follow the steps here to generate your Debug Logs. Post them here, along with your Dxdiag/system specs.

Hi westcut,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestions mentioned above then post back here with the requested info.

If you need anything else, feel free to ask.