What code is responsible for triggering Keyboard shortcuts on Windows

Which engine/editor script is running when I press B + LMB in BP-Editor to create a branch node?

Can it fail to load in when I create a project?

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tl;dr: It seems buggy.

You’re referring to:

Right? Where you’d press the very right thing and yet it would occasionally refuse to work? I get that at least once a day for some unfathomable reason. Reopening the offending blueprint often helps, though.

Never had it not load at all and never had any issues in UE4.

Which engine/editor script is running

The *.ini is here:


Do read the important note before you continue.


; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; IMPORTANT: EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini has special behavior!
; This .ini file contains the defaults for many editor and engine “preferences”. These preferences
; are saved to an EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini file in the user’s //Saved/Config/ directory.
; If you change the default for a preference in here, that change will NOT automatically
; propagate to users who already have saved preferences. The idea is that we must preserve
; their existing settings and never want to clobber entries in that file.
; If you add a new preference, the new key and value WILL be propagated to the user’s
; EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini file. After we load the user’s existing settings, we’ll merge in
; any missing keys and values that are present in these defaults.
; One easy technique for forcing a “reset” of an already-existing preference is to simply
; rename the variable for that preference. The config system will treat it as a newly-added
; key and will propagate the change to existing users’ preferences.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can then add/edit your own project’s file:


I can now spawn Tick node with X. Providing the whole thing works in the first place… why chord actions refuse to trigger at random - no clue, way above my paygrade.

Note: the engine’s ini and your own will be merged and, afaik, the engine’s will override any conflicts you might have created.

Hi Everynone, thank you very much for your reply!

I am aware of the problem that key combinations occasionally do not work. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be my problem.
I’m trying to gather information to address an issue I’ve already posted here.

Under Engine>Config all shortcuts are correctly specified in the .ini and I was able to use them up to a certain point in time and customize them in the editor preferences.
I can also still use them in old projects and new projects that were not created based on the Game>Blank/BlankBP template.
See here:

However, at some point these were lost. It is interesting that they also seem to have disappeared in your screenshot.

Do the shortcuts G+LMB for a Gate Node, F+LMB for a For Each Loop Node etc. work for you?

If they also don’t work for you, maybe the bug is recreatable somehow.

Yes. But… either all of them work, or none do. And I can’t punt my finger on what would be causing it. It’s somewhat rare.

Well that is weird. Do they also appear in your Settings after you used them or are they really just not showing up at all?

For me it is really just the ones I wrote in the other post.

Thanks a lot for linking the posts btw, didn’t come to my mind that it makes a lot of sense!

They always show up:

They just don’t always invoke.

I also searched in the bug DB - there seem to be no entries related to this. But Epic may (must) have their own internal bug tracking tools, ofc.

Or, it’s just the 2 of us who suffer from this… Somehow I feel your issue is twofold, though.

I think for your visual bug, this would be the post in there.

For mine I can’t find anything either but I am also not sure how to report it, since I have no clue how to reproduce it (since all the files seem to be in tact - as far as i can tell from visually checking the files of a friend of mine).

Do you think I should report it either way? And do you know which log files I could upload for them to have a look into it? Since it works in other templates but my blank template configs are the same as the working ones of my friend, it must have to do with how the editor gets set up, right?

PS: Just tested UE 5.0.3 - same bug still

for your visual bug

It’s purely functional for me. Sometimes B+LMB does not spawn Branch. They all stop working all of a sudden. For a while…

Not sure how to report it, I can’t repro it consistently enough. No log files of any sort either. :expressionless:

Well I hope our problems are produced by the same source and will get fixed soon :crossed_fingers:

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I just installed UE4 and it doesn’t occur there either.

I keep thinking that clumsy me selects a hidden entry field and goes:

