I am trying to just mess around with some small personal projects to try to put things from the course I just finished into practice and I am wondering what is the best way (ie, best for performance) to hand crop growth in a farming game.
I want to play the crop and have it slowly scale up to its full size over X amount of time (as opposed to “popping” to the next growth model after an alloted time)
My options that I can see so far are the three below but I dont know which would be the best way (or if i’m missing an option)
- The tick component (which I currently have working) which just calls a grow() function and passes in delta time which I then interp between 0 and 1 for the Z scale.
- Timers: I’m still unfamiliar with these and need a lot of practice but can they have this function of growing something over time? Or can they just call a function once after a set time period?
- Timelines: Literally just learned about this in my research so far - it seems you can create a custom float curve to control the growth and pass this into a Timeline function. Would this be the best way to do this?
Thanks in advance!