What are these higher level blueprints??

What is Level Blueprint, GameMode, GameInstance, GameState, and HUD?

So, over the past week, I’ve watched ALOT of tutorials, and read ALOT of docs and I feel I’m still not any closer to understanding the WHATs, WHYs and HOWs of these…Classes?..I guess, if they are Classes. Everyone says, “yea, the GameInstance is Persistent”, or “the GameMode is where you set rules”, or “the Level Blueprint is where you put Level related stuff” …but, what does that all mean? Should I assume the HUD is where I put interface controls and logic?

Can someone give me a example of the, When I Should Use, What Are They Used For, and most importantly, Why…Why do I put things there?

I saw a article on this forum where the dude asked for it in terms of a baseball analogy…LoL… I don’t know baseball…so…woooosh…over my head.


Say I’m building , or Tetris, or Angry Birds, or Metal Gear Solid, or Halo… how would I organize my blueprints using these? (Mostly interested in single player aspect)

I read about Server/Client stuff and how these relate… woooosh…over my head. Is that something I need to worry about for a single player game?
I read about different levels of persistence… what’s the hierarchy look like? Should I care? I know it depends on my game, but say I’m making Halo, what does persistence mean to me?

Almost 90% of the tutorials use GameMode to assign the player. It’s usually left blank…Why? What can I use it for?

If someone here can give me a detailed look at these classes and their uses and why, I will super appreciate it.


Level blue print is the BP for the current level.

One thing i’ve used it for is getting the sun that is in the level and updating it’s rotation for day/night
also if there was a level timer (escape in 5 minutes before the core explodes!!!) you could put it there.

Basically things that you would only need when the level is open and not saved on/with the character or, targeting/interacting with things in the level.
See level stuff.

The HUD would be where you put the stuff you see on screen. Like a widget: health bar, current ammo etc. Basically it’s an image put between the camera and the actor you’re controling.

Level blue print might have the level timer. Or at least into that it would send to the character’s timer. If you wanted it to get dark when timer was 1/2 down you could do that there.
That way your character doesnt have to have a variable, begin play 90 seconds, counting down from moment level starts.
Each level could have it’s own timer built in.

The HUD would have something like a text box. You would bind it to the variable in the character you name something like “score” it would constantly print out your score.

In that image, the number zombies killed, the HP bar, the ammo count, satchel are all part of my main hud.
(the joysticks, jump button and reload button are in the virtual joystick and is just turned on so no worries on the blue print stuff there)

My level has a BP that rotates the sun
Event tick, set rotation, the sun plugged in.
15x delta time
When my sun is in a certain rotation rate, it turns on that lamp…

I recommend that you watch these 2 videos:

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Most of these has “special” events and behaviour.
The difference in behaviour are

  • Their replication
  • How they are initialized after each other.

Gamemode only exists in server, so only have data and function that is only needed for the server. Also gamemode has an event you can capture when a player joins the server (event postlogin)

Gamestate is replicated to the clients as well, but the owner is the server. Also it has the list.of currently connected players (and their playerstate).

The same gameinstance always exists regardless of mapchanges (and it does not replicates) so you can use it store - for example - to data that needs to be present regardess the map (like settings?)

Go to the function of these bluprints and at “override” you can check what built-in functionlity each has.

Thank you so very much everyone! I apologize for the late response…I didn’t get a notification that someone had replied. I have a much better understanding. :slight_smile: