What are the possible softwares I can develop a map for Unreal Engine?

Long story short, I don’t find UE4 a great tool for making complete maps.

I find it clunky, the workflow seems rather slow.

I’m wondering what software I can use to develop a map to be later finished and completed on UE4 (mostly from a polishing/gameplay/scripts perspective).

I’m talking only about the achitectural part of the game.

Build your walls, ceilings, door frames etc in a 3D modeling app of your preference, like Maya or Blender. Import them into your project in UE4 and build your level. That’s how it’s usually done. Check out the Reflection demo for instance.

You just need to work with some level of precision in your modeling apps. Use the correct scales, set the correct pivot points (origins) to your meshes and use the grid snapping function in UE to quickly build your levels.

Can I make an entire map in a 3rd party software?

Is there any good guide on level making in Unreal Engine? Either written or youtube, or even a paid one.

I really need to get a good grasp on a good workflow for level editing in UE.

I’m also asking because I have a friend that develops maps in other engines and might not be very skilled with Unreal Engine.

So I was thinking of him developing the map in a 3rd party software and then finish the map in UE after importing it.

edit: where are you from? I’m from Lausanne.

How big your meshes are depends on your workflow and the type of game you’re working on. You could definitely create entire rooms in a single mesh. Well, at least the static parts. The reason why lots of people tend to create smaller elements is to be able to reuse modular level parts. You’ll just have to experiment what works best for you.

PS. Grüsse aus Basel :slight_smile:

Yes and no :wink:
You can create all the meshes/landscapes in your 3d program, but the light, effects,… has to be done in the UE4

if your tryin to make a map just use what ever engine and ://www.massgate.net/read.php?77960,111959,171840

Need to know what it is your trin to do and trust it. I trust UE4 for game completion. Look at Chivalry and its expansion. Dishonored

Does any of you knows a level making tutorial/guide? :frowning:

Thanks all for the suggestion.

Here is one from epic games: https://www.youtube/playlist?list=PLZlv_N0_O1gbka-RTlcK83w8Fls8bLr_v (but it’s more about an indoor scene) :slight_smile:

Try worldofleveldesign has some free stuff and some paid stuff, never paid for any though, I trust youtube more and it’s free :slight_smile: