What are the differences between PlatformGameInstance and GameInstance blueprints?

What are the differences between PlatformGameInstance and GameInstance blueprints?

PlatformGameInstance inherits from GameInstance. The documentation about PlatformGameInstance is a bit obscur and reference to some mobile events and global delegates. Not sure what the differences are and when to use one or the others. Anyone used these?

The PlatformGameInstance exposes some Mobile specific functions to Blueprint. The majority of which being events relating to being able to handle when things like the application (game) is about to be deactivated because of an Incoming Call or SMS for example.

Basically you would use it if you were developing for a Mobile platform.

Take a look at the Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Kismet\BlueprintPlatformLibrary.h for more information on how it is set out.

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