What are the best remote configuration (remote config) platform for Unreal Engine?

I am looking for an Unreal Engine solution for a remote config system, similar to Firebase Remote Config or Unity Remote Config.

We would like to be able to update our PC game’s parameters in real time from a simple variable change on a front-end interface. This would allow our game designers to iterate much faster, without the need to submit new builds to our users.

The current platforms that provide that for Unreal don’t seem very reliable for a production game, as they are generally plugins developed by individual contributors without much support or documentation. Firebase, on the other hand, only appears to have support for mobile.

How are games currently doing this?

@anonymous_user_e48d162c1 I’ve worked in the games industry now for a while. The bigger studios all have proprietary ways to do this. A lot of people actually to use Firebase like you mentioned, but it’s not design well for the gaming use-case. These guys have built something pretty neat for games and I know a friend very happy with their platform: https://www.getjoystick.com/
Product and Features | Joystick Remote Config

Hi there!

I’m thrilled to let you know that the official Joystick plugin for Unreal is almost ready to hit the marketplace. But guess what? You don’t have to wait for its release! You can grab it right now, along with a demo project, by visiting this link: GitHub - Arderku/JoystickUnreal.

Whether you’re a fan of C++ or prefer working with Blueprint, this plugin has got you covered. It’s versatile and designed to cater to your creative needs.

And just in case you have questions or need a bit of guidance, we’re just a click away. Join our official Joystick Discord community here: Joystick. We’re always happy to help out and chat about all things Unreal!


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