Whas's the relation of 3dsmax with unreal4?

If I want to make some 3d models or other 3d assets and animations for unreal engine 4 , is the 3dsmax the software for this task?
can someone please give a brief account of 3dsmax and its association with unreal engine 4?

The Unreal Engine is able to import the 3d asset file format of 3dsmax owner Autodesk. It is the .fbx filetype.
And this is already the full association between 3dsmax and UE4. You can export assets as .fbx files and import them easily in the unreal engine.

3dsmax is a professional tool and will be able to create all the assets you want for the unreal engine. But beware that it is a) very expensive and b) not so easy to learn for a beginner.

Hi there!
3dsmax is both expensive and hard to learn, so is there any other tool that help me to create assets and animations?

you can use blender, it’s free and powerfull

i would recommend blender too. it is free, open source and powerful. it is my first choice when i have to develop 3d assets for the unreal engine.

Here are some official unreal engine tutorials regarding blender:

Blender and UE4

Blender and UE4 pt. 2

And here is the link to blender:


Thanks alot.