Western Town

week 7>
Hi everyone!
so in this week I added more details to saloon, and now I have more buildings that I’m working on like General Store, Sheriff and Barber! :grinning:


Good day, @reyhane2s! It’s the start of the final week, and your Western Town is looking more and more alive! Congratulations on reaching this point in your development. :partying_face:

How do you feel about your progress? Do you believe you will complete it on schedule? :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh thank you! Well I hope so!
Because the deadline changed so I have one more week!!
Nothing gonna be left unfinished!:wink:


Hi there @reyhane2s, hope you’re well.

Goodluck in your finishing touches :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see the final product!

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Thank you! :blush::pray:t2:


The pleasure is all mine; hearing you received a week’s extension is excellent news! Now, full steam ahead and finish strong; you got this! :raised_hands:

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This is Week 8 update>

Well first of all many things added in the scene especially on the main street!
Then I started to work on the backstreets where Houses are located, and at the end you can see the landscape that I’m working on!

Enjoy! :blush:

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Excellent work! The assets on the main street are well-made and a nice touch. The environment is becoming more vibrant with each new addition, making it truly feel like a Western Town! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Oh thank you!
Now things are slowly getting to that point,So this week and the next week are all about details;
Hope everything goes as we expected as a Western town!:blush::pray:t2:

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This is Week 9 Update>
Only one week to go!!!

well this week, at first I started to add details on backstreets. If you don’t know I have 3 streets, the main street is shops and places for public use which is surrounded by two other streets that houses are there and all of these streets are ending up to Saloon my main Building.

As I said I added details on houses on both side, assets like barrels, water towers, carts,fruit and etc. to make a feeling that people are living in that town.
Then I added some plants, grass and cactus to make a desert enviroment, and at the end I thought maybe I need a Barn in the valley so for cupple of days I worked on a big Barn on the right near the gate!
There are some more details like decals,lighting and the wagon remains that will be done during this week!

please checkout my progress of week 9! :grinning:

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Well, would you look at that! With one week left, the “Brave Port” settlement looks mighty good, bathed in the gorgeous illumination of the setting sun. :cowboy_hat_face:

A few months ago, @reyhane2s, you set out to develop a Western environment, and by golly, I think it’s safe to say you have successfully done it! :grin:

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Aw thank you! :sweat_smile::pray:t2:

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And finally the last week update!

So Wagon is done! houses are done and literally everything is done.
As I said last week I needed to work on my main asset Wagon so most of my time in this week I spent in Substance painter!
my city needed more details in the building and more foliage for ground and walls which all done!
lighting is also done and I made a gameplay and cinematic for my town that I will upload them later!
Also I changed the name of the city because this town is more about beautiful sunshine environment and unlike typical western towns, there is no elements of violence and is more about daily life so I change it from Brave port to Fire cliff!

and at the end here are some captures in Unreal hope you like it! :blush:


Wow, Fire Cliff is stunning, @reyhane2s! The assets in your environment are very detailed and of high quality. However, the lighting really stands out to me and takes the scene to the next level! :star_struck:

You did an outstanding job creating this Western Town, @reyhane2s, and I thank you for sharing your process with us on the forums. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh thank you for checking on me each week, that really encouraged me to go on!
And sharing process of my work on forum was such a good experience so maybe I’ll do it again for my next project!:blush::pray:t2:

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It was a pleasure observing your creative process and witnessing your town coming to life, @reyhane2s! Feel free to share your next creation with us in the forums; if/when you do, I’ll happily support you! :grin:

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