We're looking for a group or individual who can produce high quality enviroment object packs

[Low Paid]

We’re looking for a group or individual who can produce high quality enviroment object packs.
The game will be a first person shooter, produced by a small indie team on a tight budget.

Each pack will make up 1 level, the size of each level to fill will be 505 x 505, in total we will require a minimum of 10 packs, so this will lead to ongoing work.
In the near future we will also require weapons, characters and animations.

On average 5 different large enterable buildings, the theme to vary per level.
On average 10 different medium enterable buildings, the theme to vary per level.

A varierty of walls, fences and other props to complete the theme of each level, ranging from crates to trash bins to wrecked vehicles etc

Please send a PM for more details if you’re interested.