Welcome to Paradise Islands on Ari Moon with Unreal 5


Hi to everyone,

I would like to introduce my project here. I recently began to discover Unreal Engine 5.
I’m not a game developer, I’m a 3D and 2D artist, making creatures, plants and landscapes.
I’m very enthusiastic about this software, its possibilities just seem endless!
I’d like to show my first steps in Unreal 5 here with my creatures, space crafts and all my self-created stuff, among some stones and rocks I took from Quixel Megascans.
My next step will be to introduce my self-made Ari Moon plants, and the Island of the Jerky Chicken will be brought into life :slight_smile:
My intention is to present this film at the FedCon Germany.
So if you like, have a first look at it and I hope you will enjoy.
I think of even developing it further to a relaxing computer game.
I’m grateful for any suggestions and critiques.

Susann Houndsville