Weird projectile issue on packaged project

Hello everyone
I’m having an issue with a projectile spawned by a boss npc. The issue is that in the editor, the projectile has a normal behavior but when I package the project, for some reason that I can’t understand, the projectile goes to the left instead of forward.
Does someone knows what could be happening?

This is how the projectile is spawned

And this is the place where the projectile spawns. That box collision ignores the projectile, just as expected.

This is the projectile. It can collide with any surface, no problem with that and it’s even homing to the player just a little.

Here is how the projectile looks in the editor. The boss can shoot it forward without problem.

And the last picture, in the executable (or packaged project) shows the projectile being shooted to the left, even if the boss is aiming to the player.