Weird problem with Open Level

First: Its not a bug, i tested it with a blank template level, and it only happens in my project.

So i have a menu with a nice startmap, there is a button called “new game”.
If i click the button the new level should be loaded and the game is succesfully started.

Reality: If i click the button the editor freezes and the memory starts leaking… at the moment its at 2 gb… before i clicked it was only 1.
The editor crashes and i dont have any error log.

The maps are in the same folder.
The blueprint just says:

What could be the problem?

Its still there and i tried lots of things know.

Renamed the map
Placed them in a folder called maps
added .umap extension in the print…

I cant actually believe why it is not workin…

I will make some screenies


By doing the impossible weirdest thing in the world. Moving every map into a standart folder called “maps”… sers. WTF?

Why cant i have my own sorting system?!? Would this be such a big deal?! :confused: