So I’m not sure if this is going to be a problem for me or not, but I figured I might as well make a post about it.
So I’ve got an animation blueprint. I’m on the tab of said blueprint. I have the animBP’s “Event Blueprint Update Animation” casting to my character blueprint. For whatever reason the execution flow is indicating that the casting is going to fail. Maybe computer is a pessimist, it’s not really important. I have "print string"s set up on either end of the cast, one each for failure and success.
So here’s the weird part: I run my game and according to my feedback 2/3 of the castings are successful. And it’s not like I’ve got anything dynamic with the casting. It’s just straight Get owning Actor -----> Cast to CharBP.
But the really weird part is that when I have the animBP window minimized or otherwise inactive my feedback reports only successful casting.
Is this a problem I need to worry about? Maybe not. It seems like under normal circumstances the cast will be successful. I’m probably just going to plug my ears, look away, and hope there’s nothing wrong. But if anyone can explain why it’s happening that’d be neat