Weird problem after compiling

Hello community :slight_smile:

So what’s happend to me is very strange and I really don’t know how to debug/resolve this. My problem apear each time I want to compile my code, then I play game and I have no mouse mouvement, I restart editor and then it’s ok… So each time I need to compile my code I need to restart editor :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Any ideas about debug this ?

Keep the editor closed and start a debug session in Visual Studio. The editor will be started by the debug session.

Seeing your number of posts I assume you’re new to the engine like me. There is no way to just start and finish you project. You need to understand all tools first. Start a new project to develop parts and pieces for your project. Then on success, apply those to your final project. That’s a great way to learn the engine, gives you a lot of space to make the biggest and most fundamental mistakes. It also gives the opportunity to get things done.