I needed a wall to go around my landscape so I exported it to maya, used a curve tool to draw around the landscape used the sweep tool to make a shape out of it, I imported that shape into unreal but when I apply a material it has this weird pixely effect, I suspect its something to do with my model in maya though.
I have adjusted the tiling and it gives the same result
No I haven’t done any UV editing. I thought it would be ok but maybe thats the issue I’ll have a look at my UV’s in Maya maybe I forgot to set them up
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It looks like it was UV’d automatically, and then you trashed them when you used the sweep tool, maybe…?
I dont know, I checked my UV it all looks fine. In ue though I did notice that the material looks fine but then when I apply any kind of tiling to it, it looks pixelated.
Nevermind I figured it out for some reason I had my materials offset really high which was causing this issue.
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