When the item is picked up gravity is disabled to ensure smooth movement. The physics handle values have been set to 0 to make it snappier for illustration.
There is a scene component on the character BP following the centre of the camera by inheritance. As the player camera moves around, so does the item via the scene.
When the controller receives input forward (w) and backwards (s), the item moves weirdly as if there is an object it is moving around (circular) but a scene has no collision? - I have tried doing a forward vector of the camera without a scene too and the issue persists.
Ok, so the following picture fixes the issue - no changes to the surrounding blueprinting in general, only the tick method.
Does anyone have the slightest clue why the timeline version does not work? I would prefer not to be slapping the server with the references every tick.
The GIF above has the server pick the item up, so this is not a replication issue.
I guess we can relate this to a meme: “It does not work, I do not know why” “It works, but I do not know why”
I had the same problem, I have the pickup hold location specified by a scene component attached to a spring arm. It was caused by “attach rotation to movement” character movement parameter set to true. With this set to false it works (but your char wont turn of course)