Weird mouse input capture problem Enhanced Input

Hey all

I have an Enhanced Input system used in UE5.1

Now for the most part this is great, but there is one issue.

If i set show mouse cursor on begin play, the mouse stops receiving input when it reaches the screen bounds. I am making a RMB camera rotate BTW.

so as you can tell i can continuously rotate. BUT if i do not show the cursor on begin play, it rotates fine continuous input

I am also in the press and release of the RMB, when i rotate i hide the cursor and reset its position when i release RMB. this works fine does not cause any issues.

This also happens if i swicth window runtime.

All i want is to capture the mouse X movement regardless of bounds, i want to detect the mouse moving even at the edges. so it kind of works but it has to be hidden at the start, and never switch windows lo.

I really want to use the enhanced input system to keep the whole process following the same as the rest of the controls, but its looking unlikely unless im missing something