weird material issue (unlit vs lit)

I asked this in rendering forum, no one knew, so I’m also asking here in hopes anyone knows a solution

I set up a transparent texture for my niagara system which should look like this (this is the unlit viewport preview) this is how I want it to look

but it looks like this when I change it to lit (weird whiteness?)


this is how I set up the material:

I noticed in unreal its hard to get nice gradient fade using transparent images or even alpha’s in materials, it clips it either too harshly (hard edges) or not at all. I set my material to unlit and transluscent. I also tried changing the anti-aliasing? I feel like some light settings is effecting it but I have no clue.

please can someone help me

thank you

Try putting a oneminus here

This is what it looks like

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Ha! - not that then… :joy:

Any idea whats happeneing here though anyways? no one seems to know and I’m definitely doomed, I even tried doing the alpha and opacity mask method but the edges are too harsh and not smooth

It’s really hard to tell without the actual texture. Any chance you could upload the PNG? ( you can PM it if you want, although I won’t be able to look until tomorrow ).

It does look a bit like a problem with a lack of contrast in the texture. Also, that white outline is present.

Do you have it on ‘masked’? Then try ‘transparent’. ( I know you said transparent, but often rapid changes are related to using ‘masked’ ).

this is it, its so weird because there’s no white outline present in the png, it only appears when importing into unreal engine. I also have the alpha’s if you’d like

here is the alpha mask

and the base colour

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Hold on I think I solved it??

I plugged in the alpha to ‘opacity’ instead of opacity mask, and blend mode ‘transluscent’, I have no idea why this works but it seemed to do the job??



Now I have no idea why this works but it seems like trial and error, thanks for helping me! you really pushed me in the right direction

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