I have an issue when I try to toggle visibility of a widget. Here, I have set the visibility of an image on “Hidden” in the beginning. Then I added some keyframe and I set them, alternately, on visible and hidden. The sixth and the last keyframe is on hidden so normally, the picture with the dog must appear 3 times then disappear in the end. But it doesn’t. It’s like if the last keyframe did not exist and the picture keeps hidden. If I move the keyframes or delete others track (the transform track in my exemple), sometime it is fix. Sometimes it is not. I also believe it happens only when I do many changes, many alternations. A few weeks ago, I made a few dialogue subtitles and it was a pain in the ■■■. Do you know what it happens ? Did I do something wrong ?
You can see the result here : [video]https://gyazo.com/93f83b3a0ed0a729e7548c554bd0dda9[/video]