Weird issue w Layered Blend per Bone


I recently upgraded my project from 4.23 to 4.26 and since then I’ve had this kind of weird issue pop up w an animation blueprint. I’m using a layered blend per bone node to combine a walking animation w a different animation for the top half of my character in the Idle/Walk animation state. Generally it works but on occasion it will just default to the base pose (walking animation) without blending at all. I’ve modified the config of the layered blend node to varying degrees of success but somehow it always pops back up where the blended pose is ignored. The part that’s annoying is that it looks perfect in the animation preview but in game this bug keeps popping up and I can’t figure out what’s going on! I’ve attached a screenshot of the perpetrator, but I’m wondering if the issue is because of something in the event graph. I’ve noticed that it generally happens if the character is motion and then comes to a stop. After that, the blend stops working. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

I don’t have an answer, just some thoughts: Is the transition from walking to idle handled by the “blend poses by bool” node? Have you thought about handling this transition with a transition rule in the state machine instead? Also, you could print your speed value to check if the speed variable is actually what you want to control the blending.

Hey catsnack! Yep it’s handled by a blend by bool node currently. I will try both of those out! Thanks for the suggestion!

Hey again, just wanted to thank you for helping out again! I created the state machine and cleaned up the event graph a bit and I think that did the trick. The problem disappeared! Thank you so much for your suggestions

No problem!