Hi I have a metahuman character And I was running in to a problem I could not solve so I made the trouble shooting test really simple.
I created a very simple actor component with 2 values
skeletal mesh component.
bool which Is NOT being used at all.
I have set the component to report if the skeletal mesh value is valid on tick / begin play.
I have added the component to my metahuman and Im setting the component skeletal mesh value to be one from that.
I begin play and the value is valid But if the public BOOL value is clicked the skeletal mesh value it is suddenly not valid and it wont change. How can this bool value that not even being used do this?
Remove the Delay from the Tick. That does not work as you might think. Use a timer instead. Or to test this delete the delay and use the rest of the function. Set the duration of the PrintString to 0.
On EventBeginPlay you set the reference Face inside your VT_Component from inside your Keanu_Neo blueprint. So it is valid, from the beginning. Here you could set a Delay to see how the Valid status changes.
Could you explain the last part a bit more. Do you mean “Bool value is clicked” = you set it to true? And then the Face was invalid?
Remember this is just a test BP to find the issue with the real BP im working on.
The delay is only there to give the face value enough time to actual get set on begin play. or you will get the accessed none error.
The bool is not set to do anything here, Its not even used, But yet changing
its value in runtime causes the face value to get cleared which should not be happening.
Its only there to replicate what was happening in the main BP.
And I found the cause of the problem to be Trash _skeleton issue.
But have no idea why its happening.