Weird Issue Enums

I’m having this very strange issue with my enum. I created an Enum of Months in a Year - 12 entries. I’m trying to get a selection from enum via a byte (using custom date feature and draw month out of enum.) I’ve used this method before and honestly I have another project where it works fine. problem is it’s seeing enum byte (it’s location) in multiples of 2 so first entry (January) is considered byte 2. December (slot 12) would be byte 24. However, oddness doesn’t end there. See pictures for my examples:

This is my enum

Notice how I have enum set to July (which should be slot 6 because enums are zero based)

This is what output is. It does this for each value, in multiples of 2 for it index

After hooking up a Byte to Enum and testing that, results, based on issue above, would be what you expect (but don’t desire) to happen. But oddly, as you’ll see in following collage of images, if I raise Byte to a value higher than 12, output to screen is 12 and month stays July.

I have no idea what is causing this. I have an identical setup in another project which is also 4.9 and it doesn’t do this. I’m making a video tutorial series so I am using my other project as reference to do my videos so what I am building in my videos is a mirror of my reference project (and yes it’s my reference project so I know that all things are equal between 2 projects.)

Any thoughts/ideas/HELP??


Hi jtsmith,

Looks like you’re seeing same thing reported here:

We’ve reproduced issue internally and narrowed it down to Enum to Byte conversion. I’ve entered a bug report for issue (UE-20643), and I’ll update post linked above when I see any update. Thanks for report!

Thanks , I’ll watch that other thread. Hopefully developers can get this patched quickly - broken ENUM system can be hazardous to our BP’s health!

hi there I’m wondering has this been fixed? it seems like additionally

Hi Frozenfire,

This was fixed in 4.9.1 hotfix. You can find more info on that here.

If you are still seeing this in a later engine version, please create a new report in Bug Report section and include as much info as possible (test project, repro steps, etc).