Weird holes in mesh and landscape with Nanite

I’ve got these weird holes using nanite and tesselation in Unreal 5.4. I tried to change most of the settings of the Nanite but doesn’t seem to have any effect. When the camera is at a distance it seems to be okay but when you get close you get these artifacts. Does anybody know what it is and how to solve it?

I’m getting this too. If I find a solution, I’ll post it here.

I dont think these are artefacts, they seem to be straight up missing tris.

Willing to be is the Tessellation’s fault.

Try enabling the Nanite Skirt. I just read about this, and it might help.

if you are using tessellation with displacement, its most likely the magnitude and mid parameter in the displacement.

I had the same issue and found that subdividing once or twice fixes it, nanite tessellation seems to not really like big triangles on your source mesh.