Hi everyone. I’m going mad at this thing and I’d like to get some help on it.
This setup is simply meant to switch a boolean variable from true to false and viceversa everytime I press a button. It works fine if it’s on my Blueprint Level or my Player Controller, it doesn’t work when it’s on my Character Blueprint and I can’t figure out why.
When it’s on my character it gives mixed true-false results.
Ok, after 2 hours I think I located the issue. Since I am using level streaming and I’m spawning my character by using TargetPoints in every level it seems like I am not spawning my character blueprint but some copy of it instead (it still seems weird to me because the spawned character have all my functionalities…). I think I’m getting close to a solution. Thanks IronicParadox and thanks cyaoeu for pointing me toward the right direction.
This was the method I was using to spawn the character (I thought it was fine since I never got any issue in my tests):