I’m having this weird effect with my landscape material. It’s using Megascans surfaces and a height blend with the ARD texture as the height
Layer Master Function posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine is the master adjustments, excuse the mess
What are you referring to as being Wierd?
And, maybe try taking the shot in unlit mode to verify your colors if that is what you are alluding to.
If not just directly using the landscape layer debug options, which I think would help you better underdstand the setup as well.
Really, the only wierd thing i see is 100% a shadow.
Here are some videos of the effect. It’s like theres this weird tint and a bullseye effect with it.
Well, that material function you shared is a mess of lerps and thats probably why.
Remove it, see what things look like with just 3 sampled textures per layer and nothing else.