Weird cross shape at every scan point

Hi there

At Scanbie (Belgium), we’ve been using the Faro Focus S150 for ±3 years now and we’ve had several projects varying from small to large, simple to complex,… We’ve used both Scene or Recap for processing and RealityCapture for meshing.

Now recently, with our latest projects, we’ve experienced some texturing issues. As you can see on the attached image, there is a strange cross shape at every position where the scanner was placed. Until now we’ve only had the bottom blurry circle, but recently we’ve had this cross shape.
This is the first time we’re having this issue and it obviously results in bad textures in the end.

This project is based of 3D scans only. My first thought was that the cross shape was an area that wasn’t captured by the scanner. But when I made a panoramic view from a cubemap based of the 6 input images, it shows a perfectly normal image without bad spots that could result in the cross shape. 

Are there some settings that I’m missing? The used settings are the default ones with exception for the ‘maximal texture count’.

It would be great if some of you might have a solution.
Thanks in advance!

Best regards.

Is there any chance this could be your “tripod”? 
Could you please post here some screenshots of the LSPs in the 2D view so we can see what were looking at?

Hi Erik, 

First of all thank you for accepting and answering my post.

That was my first thought exactly. Since the shape is ‘separated’ in 4 pieces, which imo resembles each LSP (front, back, left, right) and it looks like it’s missing some information between each view.
I placed all LSPs as a cubemap in an external program to generate a panoramic image expecting a strange behaviour at the bottom (representing the shape), but it was a perfectly fine image.

Below are 5 LSPs of this scanpoint.

Best regards.

There is one more thing that came on my mind. Have you created a scan point pointcloud in faro scene? Are these exported as ordered ptx files one by one or as a merged ordered pointcloud? Also, please try to import these with intensity channel and send us the screenshots of the LSPs in 2D view.

Apologies for the delayed answer. 

For this project we’ve used Recap to process the point clouds and these are exported as .e57, as we usually do.
I’ve imported the scans with ‘intensity channel type’ on ‘Intensity’ instead of ‘image’ but as far as I can see, this doesn’t change the appearance of the LSP’s in this case.  

Best regards.