Weird collision bug....any help would be appreciated

The basis of the situation is that i am creating a map in the unreal tournament editor and i have used this same method for making elevators in all the maps i have previously made. In this map i have two elevators, one works, one does not. Both have the same properties and same setup in blueprint. I have been stuck on this for a week now and refuse to move on until i get this fixed. Any suggestions would be appreciated. =]
So basically as you can tell from the picture, when the player/pawn overlaps the physicsvolume it triggers the timeline which raises the lift/elevator from the the specified coordinates by a certain value given by the timeline. The top one works. The bottom one does not. ALL the settings are the same. Exact same. I have been looking for a week for a difference and cannot find one thing. The physics volumes are placed on top of the elevator and they are grouped together and are both set to movable. The physics volume collision is set to custom, they are both set to block all except for the pawn which is set to overlap. When I walk over the first elevator/physics volume everything triggers properly and it works like a charm. When i walk over the second one, the collision does not register in blueprint at all and does not trigger anything. I have changed all the collision setting and tried many other different types of volumes and none work. My collision in general feels buggy, before and after the update. Even if i set it to block all, which should block me from even moving through it at all, it just lets me walk directly through it. I am extremely lost. I hope i explained it well and if i need to make a video to better explain i can. Thanks in Advanced. =]

You should not use physics volumes for such behavior. Use Trigger Volume instead. Actor can be affected only by one physics volume at the time, I guess this is your problem

i cannot believe that was my entire problem. Thank you so much for the help. That’s what i get for not reading the description fully. =]