Weird circular shadow in top-down view on the map

Hey guys, I need your help on this.

I’ve got a map in UDK which displays a weird circulair shadow in the top-down viewport. see: Screenshot by Lightshot
It does not do this when viewing the level in the perspective viewport…see: Screenshot by Lightshot

I am using a dominant directional light and a skylight for global lighting. I don’t have anything up in the air that would cause this shadow to appear, it’s only there in top down view… really really strange.
What could cause this shadow to appear??

I’d like to create a minimap based upon the top-down view, but can’t right now due to that frustrating shadow…
Idea’s and suggestions are much appreciated, I’ve been trying all sorts of stuff

this circle is caused by the cascaded shadows of the dominant directional light

try to either disable the shadows or capture your minimap with just one cascade for that light

I only get that if lighting is not built.always goes away when it is.

if your map is fully dynamic,build a static version for the map screenshot.

cascading shadows need to be set to 0

I have that issues with the cascade shadows. There are a couple of parameters in the ini that can mitigate the problem, shadowdepthbias and CSMSplitDepthBiasScale.

Play with this in the console:

scale set ShadowDepthBias 0.05000 (higher values resolves the problem, but shadows are less precise).


scale set CSMSplitDepthBiasScale 1 (that seems that vary the position of the cascades, but not solve the problem)

My ShadowDepthBias is 0.02, but with that value the effect is still noticeable, so I put this in the setup menu, so the player decide, good shadows with the problem, or less precise shadows without the problem.

well in the case of Ruud it’s just for capturing the minimap. if I understand correctly he just wants a static capture, so no need to make a customizable value :slight_smile:

This solved it.
Thanks for the replies all!