Weird broken shadows appear in UDK level editor after copying objects?

Copy random objects a couple times in a large level and this happens. This only affects the editor and not the game, and seems to persist no matter what you do (save, reopen, restart editor, build lightning)
Was there a fix for this or a way to avoid it?


The shadow acne? Try using directx 10 or up the shadow bias value.

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Hi, could you tell me where I change the shadow bias?

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I use this from script (or use the scale set from console directly):

GetALocalPlayerController().ConsoleCommand(scale set CSMSplitDepthBiasScale 0.5);
GetALocalPlayerController().ConsoleCommand(scale set ShadowDepthBias 0.25);

With 0.25 there are a moderate shadow acne, with higher values the acne disapear, but shadows loses precission.

Using DirectX 10 (or 11?), the problem dissapear.

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Thanks for the tip, I set those values in UDKSystemSettings and it helps. I actually only had this problem in the editor, but it seems to work.


Wow~ You are a genius. :clap::clap::clap: