Weird behavior with TeleportTo() while player is standing on prop

I’m building a game right now in UEFN where the the timing of music notes moves and hides/shows platforms that the player needs to navigate through (thanks to the note trigger events that can be sent from patchwork sequencers).

However, I’m having a problem with ‘hiding’ and ‘showing’ platforms. The Hide() and Show() methods that are usable by creative_props are unreliable, so I’ve resorted to teleporting props to a far away location and then back to give the same effect instead (other threads discuss this too). While this works, it is creating a strange effect on the player if they are standing on the props which are being teleported.

I think the props are also trying to move the player when they teleport, producing inconsistent effects (sometimes the player dies, sometimes they just jerk to a different place, etc.). There is a damage volume underneath the platforms where they teleport to which may explain why the player dies, but otherwise it’s hard to guess what’s going on.

I unfortunately can’t upload a video since this is my first post, but the gist is that I have blocks which teleport under the map to ‘disappear’ then teleport back to ‘reappear.’ If I am walking or standing or jumping on the blocks around the time that TeleportTo() is called, the player moves in a weird way, either dying immediately without actually moving anywhere, being forced out of the air, or teleporting somewhere else. This is also on a LEGO island.

What is the best fix for this? I don’t want to use prop manipulators instead to hide/show objects, as that would be way too many devices needed to simply hide objects, and some other discussions have mentioned issues with them as well. Is there a way to prevent TeleportTo() from changing the player location when they are standing on an object affected by the function?

That’s a pretty long explanation, but hopefully it all makes sense!

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