I used to have this problem on the editor but after I lowered the Maximum Texture Size of most textures it stopped happening. However, I’ve noticed some streamers having those torn textures when playing my packaged game, and it always happens on the same texture. I can’t figure out what this means.
I am also having this bug, and it appears it is UE5 related.
Now time to battle this one…
I had the same issue and for me what seemed to resolve was changing the Mip Gen Settings “FromTextureGroup” to “NoMipmaps” and then return to “FromTextureGroup”
yeah it is going to help u ONCE as much as reimporting texture or any other action with the texture
I have the same issue can anybody confirm that this is also happening in 5.1? Why arnt Epic Devs on this as so many of use are experiencing the same issues?
Same issue
UE 5.1 RTX 3070
Happens to me too on UE5.1.
It happens when UE5 fills up the VRAM. In my case it’s 8Gb (rtx 3080). As soon as memory usage hits 8k some textures will present this glitch, and the only solution is to close and relaunch the editor. It’s incredibly frustrating in a production environment.
Would be great to have feedback from Epic’s.
I had similar artifacts but for me they showed up only in material or static mesh editor. I solved it by disabling “Ray Traced Skylight” in project settings.